Originally Posted Tuesday, 9 September 2014 here
Yesyesyesyeysyeysyesy! Someone did it right! Finally! Somebody got it frigging right! Shadows on Snow has to be one of the only fairy tale remakes that I have every liked, much less fell in love with. It is so magical and fluid I didn't even notice time passing as I read. I started, then "Oh look, it been seven hours... well I can't stop now. Might as well finish the book" *happy shrug*. This book is definitely a gender swap, for all those who love those. The equivalent of Snow White is a dude, the hero is actually a heroine, the bad guy is the king, not the queen, and the seven dwarfs are replaced by seven witch sisters. It was like snow white in ways, but totally stood on its own merit at the same time. I now have much respect for Starla the author, now that she has done the impossible, gotten me to like anything associated with Snow White. I hate the story of Snow White, but Shadows on Snow was something else. Something better. Something I recommend every single one of you guys and gals read. Keep an eye out for Shadows on Snow as it will be published November 3rd 2014! I loved it so much, I give it the honored FIVE STARS!
Much thanks to Starla Huchton for allowing me to be one of the first to read this masterpiece. It was an honor. :)