The fourth installment of the Walker Saga, Regali continues the awesome story of Abby and her friends as they prepare to face off against the evil Seventine. Regali takes readers into a new environment of planet Regali, which is mainly rain forest dominated by animal people. Facing new challenges on and off the planet, Abby and the other half-walkers struggle to overcome and save the worlds.
The dynamic between the characters in Regali and the Walker Saga is enchanting. Even this far into the series it manages to maintain a strong consistency. The characters are all expertly developed and unique from each other. I love reading about them. As for the story itself, Regali was as good and intense as the other installments of the series. It had it's own plot twists and special moments that keep the reader interested and invested. Also like the rest of the series, there was very good build up for the rest of the series. Not all things are resolved in the novel, and it leaves the reader with a desire to continue reading.
Reading Regali demonstrated how much variety there is in the Walker Saga. It manages to touch the genres of dystopian, fantasy, mythology, romance, action adventure and science fiction. The series seems to be a jack of all trades. I'm looking forward to continue to read the series. I definitely recommend Regali and the Walker Saga and give Regali the rating of FIVE OUT OF FIVE STARS!!!