Originally Posted Sunday, 30 November 2014 here
I am a large fan of C.C. Hunters previous Shadow Falls series, so I had a large amount of excitement to read the beginning of the follow up series staring Della, a vampire attending Shadow Falls camp. This story starts after the finish of the original Shadow Falls series, and fluidly transitions into the views and life of Della. I simply LOVED Reborn! Its constant twists and turns, and romantic moments twisted up my emotions, and I could simply not put the book down. I believe that C.C. Hunter has developed the perfect formula for creating a great paranormal young-adult novel. I simply adore the character development and the imagery. I could see the story reeling before my eyes and casting me into the universe of vampires, were-wolves, witches, ghosts, fairies, and protectors. I without a doubt recommend this heart stopping suspenseful novel. I happily give Reborn the esteemed and much earned rating of four and a half stars out of five!