Originally Posted Monday, 9 March 2015 here
In this new and awesome story of love, magic and fate; a girl named Noll is forced into an insane adventure with time travel and forces beyond understanding. Amy's writing is fluid and soothing to the reader. The story flows like water and it does not get boring for a moment. In this exciting romance the readers are always guessing, but never frustrated with lack of knowledge.
I can't get into much detail as to not spoil anything, but I will tell you this; the riveting characters in this epic semi-romance are incredible with their intricacies. The plot and connections between the characters is well thought out and entertaining. My only complaint is the ending, (which I will not spoil) I feel like it was too abrupt and was not as elaborated on as it should have been. Ultimately I very much enjoyed Nobody's Goddess and give it the rating of FOUR OUT OF FIVE STARS!
*Advanced Readers Copy Review*