Originally Posted Friday, 15 May 2015 here
Evolution: ANGEL follows the story of a young girl named Candace as she goes into a super hero program called ANGEL. In ANGEL she starts coming into her powers as tension rises socially. What is her power? Water. She has the super power of water bending. *Warning* Mature content in this novel.
I found myself conflicted with this novel. I both loved it and hated it. I found it addicting yet on the weaker side when it came to plot. I was very annoyed by the lack of clear direction and purpose to the novel. I found that the story felt like it was being written with no real end goal in mind; yet at the same time I kept wanting to continue to read it. It was a very conflicting feeling.
I felt the tension of attraction between the characters was very well done. I found it to be the highlight of the entire novel. I also love the entire concept of super heroes, and super powers. I found Candace's power over water to be cool and pretty epic. She reminded me of Katara from Avatar The Last Air Bender, with her ability to bend water, which is very cool.
Ultimately, I'm on the wire with this book. I give Evolution: ANGEL THREE OUT OF FIVE STARS!