Originally Posted Friday, 5 December 2014 here
I must admit, Anomaly definitely has interesting concept. This is definitely the first time I have ever read a book where people can pop things in and out of reality with the use of their eyes. I believe with this ability there were so many opportunities for crazy plot twists and mind boggling awesomesause. Unfortunately, these plentiful opportunists were completely ignored and cast aside. To top it, there was little to no foreshadowing to build tension. Now, on the flip-side, Anomaly has some pretty steamy romance, and good romance can go a long way for improving a story. In addition, Josie was an ideal strong and smart lead character. A reader, especially a nerdy reader, would love her and all of her references. The constant Star Wars, Star Trek and Avengers references spoke to the soul of the nerd inside me. Even though the story did not reach it's potential, it definitely was not terrible in the least. I do recommend this book to nerdy romance lovers wanting a quick read. I give Tonya’s book Anomaly the rating of three and a half stars!
*Advanced Readers Copy Review*